He : hallo ? She : hi it's me. What are you doing right now ? He : nothing special - just longing for you Tempt me on the line Make me feel divine Oh baby let's make good love from a distance Tempt me on the line Prove that you are mine I gotta gotta get a bit of your assistance Tempt me on the line Tempt me on the line Can you feel me - oh it's okay I'm with you though I'm far away Just imagine that I'm close I'm your thorn and you are my rose Move your body - feel the heat I know everything you need Listen to my words and then Do it - baby do it again You and me forever Tempt me on the line Just lie down and close your eyes Baby listen to my advice Just imagine I'm by your side Makin love with you tonight Can you feel my fingertips Feel my kisses on your lips Baby you are not alone When you hear me on the phone Is this the way you want it baby ? okay ? I'll touch you where I know you want it most... Tempt me on the line
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