the last rose of summer
This the last rose of summer 夏日里最后一朵玫瑰,
Left blooming alone: 还在孤独地开放;
All her lovely companions 所有她美丽的伴侣,
Are faded and gone; 都已凋谢死亡;
No flower of her kindred, 再也没有一朵鲜花,
No rosebud is nigh, 陪伴在她的身旁,
To reflect back her blushes, 映照她绯红的脸庞,
To give sigh for sigh. 和她一同叹息悲伤。
I’ll not leave thee, thou lone one! 我不愿看你继续痛苦,
To pine on the stem; 孤独的留在枝头上;
Since the lovely are sleeping; 既然可爱的同伴都已熟睡,
Go sleep thou with them. 你何不与她们同往?
Thus kindly I scatter 于是我把你那芬芳的花瓣
Thy leaves o’er the bed, 轻轻撒落在花坛上,
Where thy mates of the garden 让你与亲爱的伙伴们团聚
Lie scentless and dead. 在芳香的泥土中埋葬。
So soon may I follow 当那爱人的金色指环,
When friendships decay, 失去宝石的光芒,
And from Love’s shining circle 当那珍贵的友情枯萎,
The gems drop away. 我也愿和你同往
When true hearts lie withered 当那忠实的心儿憔悴,
And fond ones are flown, 我亲爱的人儿已死亡,
Oh! Who would inhabit 谁还愿孤独的生存,
This bleak world alone? 在这凄凉的世界上.

