Setup Program (C) Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1983--1998
FDISK Options 中文大意: Current
fixed disk drive : 1 当前处理能者对象为主硬盘(1)
Choose one of the following :
选择以下某一种操作: 1. Create DOS partition or Logical DOS Drive 1.建立分区或逻辑盘 2. Set active partition
2.激活分区 3. Delete partition or Logical DOS Drive
4. Display partition information 4.列出当前硬盘分区情况
Enter choice :[ 1 ] 输入选择:[1] WARNING! No partitions are set active ------ disk 1 is not star table unless a
partition is set active Press ESE to exit FDISK 按
Create DOS partition or Logical DOS Drive Current fixed disk :1 当前处理对象为主硬盘 Choose one of the following : 选择以下某一种操作: 1.Create Primary DOS Partition 1.建立主分区
2.Create Extended DOS Petition
2.建立扩展分区 3.Create Logical DOS Drive(s) in the Extended DOS Partition 3.在扩展分区中建立逻辑盘 Enter choice: [1]
Press Esc to return to FDISK Options
Create Primary DOS Partition Current fixed disk drive
: 1 Do you wish to use the maximum available size for a Primary DOS Partition
and make The partition active (Y/N)......................?[N] (要将硬盘所有可
用容量都分配给基本DOS分区,并且设其为活动引导区吗?) Press Esc to return to FDISK Options
),硬盘上就只能建有一个主分区了。 如果选择“N”,屏幕将显示出硬盘上所有可用空间
Create Primary DOS Partition Current
fixed disk drive :1 Total disk space is 8691 Mbytes (1 Mbytes = 1048576 bytes)
Maximum space available for partition is 8691 Mbytes (100%) 大意:当前硬盘(标称
Partition Status Type Volume Label Mbytes System Usage C: 1 A PRI DOS MS-DOS_6 4000 FAT32 46%
Enter the number of the partition you want to make active ..........
.............[1] (输入要设置活动的分区号码) Press Esc to continue
在主菜单中选择"1"(Create DOS partition or Logic DOS Drive).再选择“2”(Create Extended DOS Partition)建立扩展分区
Create Extended DOS Partition Current fixed disk drive:
1 Partition Status Type Volume Label Mbytes System
Usage C: 1 A PRI DOS 4000 UNKNOWN 46%
Total disk space is 8691 Mbytes (1 Mbytes = 1048576 bytes) Maximum space available for partition is 4691 Mbytes (53%) ( 磁盘衷情容量是 8691MB,可用空间是4691MB ) Enter partition size in Mbytes or percent of disk space (%) to Create an Extended DOS Partition…………………………………………: [4691]
(以MB为单位或者以可用容量的百分比输入,以创建篇DOS分区) Press Esc to continue
Create Extended DOS Partition Current fixed disk drive: 1 Partition Status Type Volume Label Mbytes System Usage C: 1 A PRI DOS 4000 UNKNOWN
46% 2 EXT DOS 4691 UNKNOWN 53% Extended Dos Partition created (扩展分区已创建成) Press Esc to continue
按ESC键退出“CREATE Extended DOS Partition "菜单,FDISK自动进入Create logical
Dos Drive(s)in the Extended DOS Partition ( 在扩展DOS分区上建立逻辑驱动器)菜
Create Logical DOS Drive(s) in Extended DOS Partition No logical drives defined (没有逻辑驱动器的定义) Total Extended DOS Partition size is 8691 Mbytes (
1 Mbytes =1048576 bytes) Maximum space available for logical drive is 4691 Mbytes (53%) (扩展分区空间共有8691MB,可用于建立逻辑盘的空间为4691MB(53%) Enter logical drive size in Mbytes or percent of disk space (%)...........[4691] (
输入准备建立的逻辑盘容量......) (在此输入4691建立第1块逻辑盘) Press Esc to continue