Sarah Connor,
曾获德国乐坛最高荣耀的Echo音乐奖最佳流行摇滚女歌手大奖及Goldene Europe音乐奖最成功女歌手奖。 她天使般空灵的声音,她收放自如的情感唱腔让人心醉。推荐这一首《Just One Last Dance》与你分享,尤其是中间那段高潮部分,弥漫着浪漫的蓝色情调!
下载地址: ... 49222155_000019.mp3
just one last dance 再来最后的一舞
before we say goodbye 在说再见之前
when we sway and turn round and round and round当我们转啊转啊转
it's like the first time 如同第一次那样
just one more chance 再多一只舞
hold me tight and keep me warm 抱紧我让我感受你的温暖
cause the night is getting cold 因为夜开始冰凉
and i don't know where i belong 而我不知道自己归于何处
just one last dance 再来最后一舞
before we say goodbye 在说再见之前
when we sway and turn round and round and round (when we sway turn around)当我们转啊转啊转
it's like the first time(hold my tight oh my love)如同第一次那样
just one more chance 再多一只舞
hold me tight and keep me warm 抱紧我让我感受你的温暖
cause the night is getting cold(the night is getting cold)因为夜开始冰凉
and i don't know where i belong(don't know where i belong)而我不知道自己归于何处
just one last dance 再来最后一舞