★四海集团★ 嗜†血 ★
★四海集团★ 隊┼長 ★
Melee - Built to last I've looked for love in stranger places 我尋覓真愛已久 But never found someone like you 最後終於遇見了你 Someone whose smile 你的ㄧ顰ㄧ笑 Makes me feel I've been holding back 讓我神魂顛倒 And now there's nothing I can't do 天啊 無法自拔 'Cause this is real, and this is good 你讓我感覺如此真實 如此美好 It warms the inside just like it should 你讓我情緒沸騰 But most of all it's built to last 我愛你到永遠 All of our friends saw from the start 朋友們一開始就看好我們 So why didn't we believe it too? 我看 咱們就順應民意吧 Now look where you are 哇塞 你已神不知鬼不覺的 You're in my heart now 跑到我心坎裡 And there's no escaping it for you 想必這ㄧ切是命中注定 'Cause this is real, and this is good 你讓我感覺如此真實 如此美好 It warms the inside just like it should 實在很想對你深情告白 But most of all it's built to last 我愛你到永遠 Walking on the hills that night 還記得那一夜 With those fireworks and candlelight 我倆漫步煙火微亮的山坡 You and I were made to get love right 我心想 我倆真是天生一對 'Cause this is real, and this is good 你讓我感覺如此真實 如此美好 It warms the inside just like it should 實在很想對你深情告白 But most of all it's built to last 我愛你到永遠 'Cause you are the sun in my universe 你就如太陽照亮了我的世界 Considered the best when we've felt the worst 有你在身旁 即使天塌下來也無所謂 And most of all… 實在很想對你深情告白….