1. 按滑鼠的右毽制造新的文件架。
Right click and create new folder.
2. 将新文件架改名-按 "Alt 与 0160" 这样文件架将不会显示名字!
Rename the folder and press "Alt + 0160". you should see the folder without any name.
3. 将文件架按滑鼠的右毽选择属性
Right click the folder select properties
4. 然后在选customize,在选change icon。显示出来的icon你只需选空白的icon就可以了。
then go to customize and change icon. In the dialogue box appear select invisible icon(blank).
5. 这样就完成了透明文件架!
That is Invisible folder!
6. 用滑鼠按左毽再桌面拉,就可看到蓝色小格子,那就是透明文件架!
wanna know where is the folder located, just left click and drag. if you see a small blue box that is your invisible folder!